Our structure is simple: 15% of all claim dollars up to the first $50,000 recovery and 10% thereafter. In the case of larger claims, over $500,000, the fees are discussed individually.
Also—and probably of utmost importance—our fee is not solely based on what every other adjusting firm on the street says, “We get you more.” Yes, that is our goal, however, there is so much more than that.
JSS Claims will:
- Take away the communication and constant back and forth with the insurance company
- Recommend quality contractors
- Get you accurate estimates that are in your favor, covering all necessary work and damages
- Bring in remediation and mitigation firms who do the work properly, as opposed to letting your insurance company bring in a firm working on 30 cents on the dollar
- Communicate every step of the way, even when there will be delays
That’s how we earn our fee.
To maximize your benefit of using JSS Claims, call us prior to calling your insurance company. This way, we can help prevent you from using terminology which can hurt your claim.
The reason we don’t negotiate takes on a new meaning. Many, if not all adjusters, will cut their fees to get a signed contract. Seems like the obvious approach, however, cutting fees is also cutting results. See the below example for a small claim.

You can see that by working with us and our results that an additional $6,000 was paid to the insured, regardless of the fee. It works the exact opposite of a “tax.”