
JSS Claims Handles Residential Public Adjustment

Whether a disastrous event strikes your home or your business, your life is drastically changed in a matter of seconds. Even though both situations leave a person feeling lost, helpless, and devastated, a residential claim is not handled by a public adjuster in the same way that a commercial claim is handled. Because of this, it is crucial that—if your home or business suffers damage from an uncontrollable event—you hire a public adjusting company who is equipped to handle your specific claim.

Here at JSS Claims, we handle both commercial claims and residential claims, so no matter what property of yours has been damaged, our team of experts is here to help you solve the insurance claim puzzle.

Commercial Vs. Residential Claims

A Disastrous Event May Feel the Same...

But Here Is How Commercial Claims and Residential Claims Differ

We know that no matter what the property is—commercial or residential—you have put your blood, sweat, and tears into building it and improving it. But when you are a business owner whose business has been damaged, you lose your ability to make a living. 

In contrast, when you are a homeowner whose home has been damaged, you and your loved ones’ lives are uprooted. Although these two situations are devastating, different information must be submitted to insurance companies so that you can receive your maximum recovery. 

Here Is How JSS Claims Helps Commercial Clients

When your business has been damaged by a fire, flood, storm, or vandalism, it can feel as though everything you have worked for is ruined—so how do you even begin to pick up the pieces? You contact the team at JSS Claims! At JSS Claims, our public adjusters will assist you with every facet of your insurance claim, so that you can get your maximum recovery and get your business back on its feet as quickly as possible. 

Our team of experts also includes a forensic accountant who will analyze your finances in order to determine the amount of income you would have accrued had it not been for this damaging event. Once the JSS Claims team has gathered all of the information and supportive documentation needed to get your claim, we will present it to your insurance company for you. 

Here Is How JSS Claims Helps Residential Clients

house fire

If you are a homeowner whose home was damaged by an unpredictable event, you may feel as though your life is in shambles. Luckily, JSS Claims is here to help you pick up all of the insurance claim pieces, so you can put your life—and your home—back together. In addition to evaluating your home’s damage and helping you and your loved ones find a temporary living situation, we will also help you get reimbursed by your insurance company for the following expenses:

  • Rental or hotel room costs
  • Expenses for travel
  • Utility costs
  • Moving fees
  • Storage fees

The residential claim experts at JSS Claims will work hard to ensure that you receive your maximum recovery from your insurance company—we will determine the value of your home, analyze the cost of the damage to your home, and calculate all of the additional costs you had to spend during the time that you were uprooted from your home. Once we have collected all of this information, we will present it to your insurance company for you, giving you the best chance to get back into your home quickly and make your life whole again.

Whether your home, business, or facility becomes damaged from an unexpected event, don’t pick up the insurance claim pieces alone—the team at JSS Claims is here to help you solve the insurance claim puzzle! Contact us today to schedule your FREE commercial or residential Public Adjusting consultation.